Thursday, August 19, 2010

define ButterfLy...

There is a Native American legend that says, " If you have a secret wish, capture a butterfly and whisper your wish to it. Since butterflies cannot speak, your secret is ever safe in their keeping. Release the butterfly, and it will carry your wish to the Great Spirit, who alone knows the thoughts of butterflies.

By setting the butterfly free, you are helping to restore the balance of nature, and your wish will surely be granted."

They are a symbol of change, joy, and color. (There is also an association of Faerie folklore with butterflies.) Their flight appears as dancing, and a reminder not to take things so seriously.

They have a sense of lightness and joy. They are reminders to get up and move, for if you can move you can dance, and dance brings joy.

The butterfly is a powerful symbol for transformation. It leaves the safety of the cocoon in it's new form. This is an excellent image for anyone contemplating, or in the midst of a major change. A butterfly is a strong symbol of metamorphosis, with distinct stages.

The butterfly is a reminder to make changes when the opportunity arises. Change and transformation are inevitable for us all, but it does not have to be traumatic.Butterfly symbolism is also closely tied to the idea of spirits and souls. It has been used in many religions and cultures.

Psyche is the Greek word for both soul and butterfly. The belief was that butterflies were human souls searching for a new reincarnation, which gave the creature uncanny and sometimes ominous connotations. This symbolism was also used in early Christianity as a symbol of the soul. Celts thought that women became pregnant by swallowing butterfly souls. These butterfly-souls flew about seeking a new mother.

soulfully stolen from <here>

FaceBook ...

Do you have a facebook account?
I do.
BoyScout does, but we're not connected.
My daughter and son both have one, and I'm not connected with them either.
The majority of my HPBC friends have one, and I'm sure they've never crossed paths with my FB world.
A tremendous amount of my High School grads are signed up and I KNOW they've never crossed my path.
I added one friend from those old East TX days, but then I realized I was setting up a trap - so others who I might not want to find me, could find me.  I deleted her and without warning.  I just hit the proverbial (it's not worth explaining to you as to why I am deleting you as a friend) button. 

Friends...  there's a good one.  What constitutes a friend?

Who, after 30yrs of absence and silence would I truly want to be able to delve into my personal life via Facebook?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Random Thoughts pop into my Gem

We all do NOT think alike, I don't care what my daddy or my ex-husband says.  I truly do believe that I have NEVER 'thunk' like anyone else.  I just see things differently therefore, I think even more different.  (good thing this is my blog - grammatical errors are my forte).

My Gem, my Jewel, aka: my Mind & she has a name.  Ruby.  So, when you hear me talking about my Ruby or just plain ole Ruby, not to be confused w/Rod Stewart's daughter.  I will be talking about my Cogs Upstairs.

I find myself needing to clarify situations in order to bring a peace to my Ruby - so, I tend to just pop out things that make no sense to 'Ya'll' or 'You-uns' (if you live in the Carolinas).  I suggest at the time my blog becomes totally insane, that you turn the channel and go <here>  he is far more entertaining than I am.

A Season for Everything ...

Ecclesiastes 3

Everything Has Its Time
 1Everything on earth    has its own time
   and its own season.
    2There is a time
   for birth and death,
   planting and reaping,
    3for killing and healing,
   destroying and building,
    4for crying and laughing,
   weeping and dancing,
    5for throwing stones
   and gathering stones,
   embracing and parting.
    6There is a time
   for finding and losing,
   keeping and giving,
    7for tearing and sewing,
   listening and speaking.
    8There is also a time
   for love and hate,
   for war and peace.
there is a tad bit more to  Ecclesiastes 3 and you can find it by clicking <here>

Nevertheless, I wanted to make a brief statement as to what brought me here.

Somewhere between The Pioneer Woman and The 30-Day Shred , I had a Eureka moment; thankfully no one ran naked down the street.  Seriously though, I realized what my blog to the masses would be about.  A little about my wonderful 'hubby' aka:  BoyScout and a lot about Me, aka:  Honeybeexe, aka:  Xe.