Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Random Thoughts pop into my Gem

We all do NOT think alike, I don't care what my daddy or my ex-husband says.  I truly do believe that I have NEVER 'thunk' like anyone else.  I just see things differently therefore, I think even more different.  (good thing this is my blog - grammatical errors are my forte).

My Gem, my Jewel, aka: my Mind & she has a name.  Ruby.  So, when you hear me talking about my Ruby or just plain ole Ruby, not to be confused w/Rod Stewart's daughter.  I will be talking about my Cogs Upstairs.

I find myself needing to clarify situations in order to bring a peace to my Ruby - so, I tend to just pop out things that make no sense to 'Ya'll' or 'You-uns' (if you live in the Carolinas).  I suggest at the time my blog becomes totally insane, that you turn the channel and go <here>  he is far more entertaining than I am.

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